Intro to hosting on a VPS

Why and What is a VPS NOTE: these are just some notes from a little tutorial I ran, don't rely on this as being complete What? a virtualized "slice" of a fullsize server Performance depends on disk speed and overprovisioning of CPU resources a small free standing server Why? Pros Managing it...

Security Camera Routing...

Recently I was asked to install a set of security cameras. Having installed security cameras before I figured this wouldn't be a hard task. Get one of the cheap Swann or similar security camera DVRs and just run some wire. This is simple and straight forward. Except not when you need to put wires...

Ubuntu Edge Funding tracker

As some of you may know I have been eagerly following the Ubuntu Edge Indiegogo campaign. From the beginning I have been somewhat skeptical that this campaign would be successful. 32 million USD is an insane amount to try to raise on a crowdfunding campaign, especially when the final product's delivery 9 months in...

serialKAW: Serial readout of Kill-A-Watt

A few weeks ago I started comparing the power consumption of low power x86(Atom) and ARM systems under load. For this I was interested in accurately measuring the power consumption at a high sample rate. At first I started with Ladyada's "Tweet-A-Watt" project which piggy backs the main op-amp of a...

Python Nmon Analyzer: moving away from excel macros

Nigel's monitor, dubbed "Nmon", is a fantastic tool for monitoring, recording and analyzing a Linux/*nix system's performance over time. Nmon was originally developed by IBM and Open Sourced in the summer of 2009. By now Nmon is available on just about every linux platfrom and architecture. It provides a great real-time...